The Belgian Lighthouse


Hello and welcome!

I am Bjorn Vermeersch, a research engineer and hobbyist photographer living in Heverlee, Belgium.

Brief history

In my free time I have been capturing natural and urban landscapes on camera for over 15 years. Late 2008 I started using The Belgian Lighthouse as an artist nickname for my hobby projects, and subsequently on my Flickr profile.

In May 2019, I launched this website as an independent, social media free, and personally branded platform for sharing photo albums of my travel adventures.

Registration of The Belgian Lighthouse as small independent business in auxiliary profession followed in August 2019, to allow development of a commercial aspect.

A first result of this venture came to fruition in June 2020, with the publication of a hardcover book with accompanying e-book and photo calendar, and the opening of the webshop.

What’s in a name

The Belgian Lighthouse originated as a nickname I was teasingly given by my hosts in Santa Cruz, California, during a 3-month stay for a research project there in Fall 2008.

Being a tall lanky guy from Belgium, my fate was sealed one evening when we were clambering down a steep path in the garden and I dug up my cell phone flashlight to point the way.

The name stuck and had a nice ring to it, and after sketching out a logo on a late evening flight between Boston and San Francisco, I began adopting it into my artistic projects. The rest, as they say, is history.

Self portrait | Sutter Creek, California.
Yes, this guy really shoots pictures faster than his shadow.

Legal Information

Company Name: The Belgian Lighthouse
Company Number: BE 0729 909 657
Registration Address: Milseweg 9/0103, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
Phone: +32 16 40 60 93